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As of Friday, March 21, Nourish Coffee Bar + Kitchen is permanently closed.

Egg healthy burger

Your Choice for Scratch-Made Food in Winter Park, FL

Soups, salads, sandwiches, sweets, smoothies – and other delights – await you at Nourish Coffee Bar + Kitchen, inside the Center for Health & Wellbeing (CHWB) in Winter Park. Our health-focused menu uses fresh ingredients. All-day breakfast, indoor and outdoor seating and exciting daily specials make Nourish Coffee Bar + Kitchen your choice for cuisine that feeds body, mind and spirit.

The Center for Health & Wellbeing and Nourish Coffee Bar + Kitchen are open to the public — come see us soon!

Chef’s Weekly Specials

Weekly specials are cooking at Nourish Coffee Bar + Kitchen! Visit Nourish for our Chef’s Weekly Specials like Cauliflower Crust Pizza, Stuffed Peppers, Sourdough Bruschetta, and more. Specials and recipes change weekly, so dine with us and enjoy a delicious variety of healthy new menu options on rotation weekly.

Nourish Coffee Bar + Kitchen

Located at the Center for Health & Wellbeing
2005 Mizell Ave
Winter Park, FL 32792

Complimentary Parking Available in the CHWB Parking Garage
Located at the Corner of S. Edinburgh Drive and Crosby Way


Hours of Operation

2005 Mizell Ave, Winter Park, FL 32792, USA